Annual General Meeting – May 6, 2014

The PCNHA Annual General Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm at Highland Oaks Church of Christ.  Dave Nichols, PCNHA President, greeted/welcomed everyone. Members present: approximately 32 people from neighborhood.


Old Business:  President Dave Nichols

  • Handed out ‘No Soliciting’ signs free to residents
  • Explained the PCNHA fiscal year is from June 1 to May 31st of each year.

May 2014 Landscaping Report

We have some new landscaping volunteers this year:  Bill Humble, Christopher Dorsey, and Sylvia Myers.  How wonderful is that!  Welcome!  So I thought it would be nice to update everyone regarding where we are with our tasks.

We have been allocated $3,000 this year for landscaping. This money is to be spent on flowers, dirt, mulch, sedge poison, lawn bags, …

Invitation to PCNHA Annual General Meeting – May 6, 2014

I would like to cordially invite all Pitman Creek North residents to come out to the Pitman Creek North Homeowners Association Annual General Meeting which will be held on May 6th, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at Highland Oaks Church of Christ (next to Hackberry Park).

This past year (2013-2014) was a very productive fiscal year for your homeowners’ association – …

Crime Watch Alert – Home Burglaries in Area – 3/31/14

This morning I spoke with a Plano Police patrol officer who warned PCN to be alert for two male Hispanics in a green 2-door Ford Explorer who have been active in home burglaries. They have been mostly active in east Plano. However, if you see a suspicious green Ford Explorer in the neighborhood, please call 911.

Thomas Martin

PCNHA Crime …