Category: <span>Business</span>

Annual General Meeting Notes – May 4, 2024

Pitman Creek North Homeowners Association General Meeting
May 4, 2024. 10:00 AM
Hackberry Park

Board in Attendance:
Clifford Cockrell
Jandy Thompson
Janet Dansby
Nick Biggs
Kristin Roberts
Claudia McGuire

There were 20 neighbors in attendance.

Clifford Cockrell, President, started the meeting by thanking everyone for participating in the meeting. He reviewed the past year business, the HOA purpose and introduced …

Annual General Meeting Notes – May 2, 2023

Meeting held at St. Marks Catholic Church-McGivney Hall on May 2, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

President Clifford Cockrell began the meeting held at St. Marks Catholic Church’s McGivney Hall (W. 15th Street) by welcoming members and introducing the Board that was present. The board was officially voted in by the membership to their respective positions.

President reiterated the purpose of …

Annual General Meeting Notes – May 14, 2022

Meeting held on at 10:00 a.m., May 14, 2022 at Hackberry Park

President Clifford Cockrell began the meeting at the Park by welcoming members and introducing the Board that was present. The board was officially voted in for the year to their respective positions by the membership.

Kristin Roberts, Activities Chair, discussed …