Crime Watch Notice 12/17/2014

PCNHA Crime Watch Alert

Over the last 5 days there have been incidents with cars left parked on the street and alley. Two cars had tires punctured and two others were vandalized while the perpetrators looked for items to take (both were left unlocked). In both incidents the police were called.

During this holiday season we need to be even …

Crime Watch Notice 11/06/14

Rash of Neighborhood Burglaries

From initial information received, Pitman Creek North has had two burglaries on Huron in the past week.  As well as these incidents, multiple other incidents have occurred in the subdivisions both north and south of us. The individuals appear to be cruising the areas watching for homeowners to leave. The break-ins are occurring between 6-9 pm

National Night Out 2014

On October 7th, Pitman Creek North participated again in the Texas’ National Night Out by hosting a neighborhood get-together at Hackberry Park for all our residents. National Night Out is an annual event hosted by the National Association of Town Watch with the primary purpose being to get neighbors to leave their front porch lights on, showing their support for …

Fall 2014 – Water Restrictions Back to Weekly

On September 1, 2014, the City of Plano will return to weekly landscape watering for residential and commercial water customers through October 31, 2014. Odd addresses may water on Tuesdays and even addresses on Thursdays. Watering is still prohibited between 10am and 6pm.

Starting November 1st and continuing through March 31st, the City of Plano Drought and

Official Information on Geneva Break-in of 5/15/2014

We finally received the official information from Dave Tilley of the Plano PD on the robbery in the 1700 block of Geneva which occurred on 5/15/2014:

The incident started when an 18-year-old male and female arrived home and observed 2 black males attempting to break into their house.  One suspect pointed a gun at them and actually struck the male …