Crime Watch Alert – Home Burglaries in Area – 3/31/14

This morning I spoke with a Plano Police patrol officer who warned PCN to be alert for two male Hispanics in a green 2-door Ford Explorer who have been active in home burglaries. They have been mostly active in east Plano. However, if you see a suspicious green Ford Explorer in the neighborhood, please call 911.

Thomas Martin

PCNHA Crime …

Every-Other-Week Watering Extended

Stage 3 restrictions of once every other week watering with sprinklers will continue through April 30, 2014. Watering with sprinklers from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. will be prohibited beginning April 1, 2014. The City of Plano is requiring all residential and business customers to implement these outdoor water restrictions in hopes of reducing water use by at least 10

Recent Motor Vehicle Burglaries

To Those Whom Live, Work, or Play in Plano:

This weekend there were twelve burglary of motor vehicles reported.  Nine of the vehicles had unlocked doors.

Please harden the target by following these suggestions:  LOCK your car, TAKE your keys, and HIDE your belongings (or even better remove them from the vehicle).

Thomas Martin,  PCNHA Crime Watch Coordinator…

Checking to See If Your Home

Always Be Alert! PPD recommends that whenever anyone comes to your front door, do the following:

  1. Check to see who it is
  2. Never open the door to someone you do not know…
  3. Always speak to the person through the door so that they KNOW someone is home, if you do not respond they may go around back and try to