Category: <span>News</span>

New Plano ISD Academy on Columbia Place

On April 19, 2011, the Plano ISD Board of Trustees approved the purchase of a facility to house the new Plano ISD Academy which is based on project/problem-based instruction within a science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics context. This facility is a three-story office building located between Columbia Place and Alma (see map below) which was previously used by a …

Annual Membership Meeting – May 15, 2012

Curt Olson, President of PCNHA, welcomed those attending (approx. 50 of our membership). A financial report was available to each person attending.


The program for the evening, provided by Dave Nichols, Vice-President of PCNHA, was on “Xeriscaping Plants for North Central Texas.” Dave introduced Donna Cole, a Texas Master Naturalist, who presented a wonderful slide presentation on xeriscaping in