April 1 – October 31, 2019
Plano residents and businesses are asked to only water a maximum of twice per week from April 1 – October 31.
- Only water when needed. You may not need to water if rain is in the forecast. Subscribe to www.WaterMyYard.org for weekly watering recommendations.
- Watering with sprinklers between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. is prohibited, as these are the hottest hours of the day.
- Foundations and landscaping, including grass, shrubs and trees, may be watered for up to 2 hours any day by a hand-held hose or soaker hose.
- Low-flow drip irrigation systems may operate as needed.
- Excessive water runoff and watering during rain is prohibited.
- A variance may be requested to water new landscapes for up to 30 days. Instructions are available at www.plano.gov/variances. Variances are not required for filling pools.
*As HOA watering involves watering of their common areas and in many cases the City of Plano right of way (which has no address), it was decided that all HOA watering and addresses ending in zero would follow an EVEN address watering schedule.