Please Join PCNHA and Help Our Neighborhood!

Please Join PCNHA and Help Our Neighborhood!

As we fly through the month of August and we prepare to say “farewell” to Summer I thought this would be a good time to suggest that everyone seriously consider joining our neighborhood HOA. The beauty of the Pitman Creek North HOA is that it is “non-mandatory”. The HOA in our neighborhood does not force its members to follow some strict code of rules and regulations which have given some homeowners associations a really bad reputation. No, the PCNHA works to make the neighborhood a better place to live by encouraging our members to get to know their neighbors and by encouraging social functions like “Picnic in the Park”, ” Fall Fest”, monthly book and supper club gatherings. The neighborhood volunteers also work tirelessly to keep the community green spaces looking fresh and new with beautiful plants and flowers for all of us to enjoy! Won’t you please take a few minutes this weekend and go to and join. Click Membership on the website or you can pick up a flyer from the tube at the front entrance. The $50 a year membership dues make a world of difference in allowing our HOA to continue to make Pitman Creek North a really fun and beautiful place to call home. We cannot continue to do all that we do without your support. –Clifford Cockrell – President, PCNHA