Picnic in the Park 2019

Thanks to everyone for coming out and helping our neighborhood celebrate the beginning of Summer. The band Mid-Life Crisis was awesome and the free snow cones were wonderful!  A special thanks to all the board members who do so much to make this neighborhood a better place to live.

Annual General Meeting Notes – May 7, 2019

Pitman Creek North Homeowners Association – Annual General Meeting

Plano Academy High School
Guest Speakers: Centurion American Representatives

Clifford Cockrell, PCNHA President, opened the meeting at 7:10 welcoming all the attendees and announcing that the meeting would begin with the guest speakers immediately so there would be plenty of time for both the presentation and questions afterwards.

Centurion American:
After …

March 2019 Landscaping Report

Trees – The City of Plano Urban Forester (Angela Kralik) and I assessed the trees in the corner gardens and at the main entrance off Victoria & 15th. Angela provided recommendations. The Live Oak tree at Rio Grande and Park has been removed. A Vitex tree was planted early March.

Gardens – the major expense this year will be the …