Annual General Meeting – May 6, 2014

Annual General Meeting – May 6, 2014

The PCNHA Annual General Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm at Highland Oaks Church of Christ.  Dave Nichols, PCNHA President, greeted/welcomed everyone. Members present: approximately 32 people from neighborhood.


Old Business:  President Dave Nichols

  • Handed out ‘No Soliciting’ signs free to residents
  • Explained the PCNHA fiscal year is from June 1 to May 31st of each year.
  • Updated the residents on the last year’s accomplishments:
    • PCNHA became incorporated and certified as a non-profit, but not a 503c non-profit.
    • Majority of membership dues was spent on drip irrigation for 4 of the 9 gardens. Our ‘Garden Goddess,’ Vicki Blakley, master gardener/naturalist, directed the work.
      • Drip irrigation still needs occasional maintenance for issues of vapor lock and clogs.
      • The 4 gardens at the main entrance were updated with rocks and plants.
      • Painted the letter inserts ‘brown’ in the ‘Pitman Creek North’ sign at the main entrance (Victoria/15th).
      • The 4 spotlights at the main entrance were replaced.
      • The brick walls at the main entrance were painted.
      • A water faucet was installed.
      • Our homeowners association became a member of the National Texas Homeowners Association that connects us with other homeowner associations.
      • We attended the City of Plano HOA breakfast with the city which they have three times throughout the year.
      • The City of Plano knows the wall on Park Blvd. that borders our neighborhood needs painting.
      • We set the record for the number of Pitman Creek HOA due-paying members for the year.
    • Recognized members of the PCNHA board for their accomplishments:
      • Chuck Webster was recognized for his 2 years of service as Vice President. He is stepping down and Bill Humble has agreed take over this position for the coming year.
      • Lyle Moyer is also stepping down as Treasurer after the last 2 years. We have appreciated his frugal guidance. Dan Boron will be replacing him.
      • Kathy Paxton has served one year as secretary and will continue in that roll.
      • Kathleen Martin has served for 3 years in helping overhaul our website and communications. We have really benefited from her expertise.
      • Susan Nichols has been part of our board for 4 years in many roles including welcome wagon, secretary, block leader coordinator and now membership. She is a great at organization.
      • Denise Gooding brings some young blood into our association by organizing activities. She helps plan monthly dinners out, book club and National Night Out.  June 3, 2014 is the next dinner club scheduled – usually the 1st Tuesday of each month.  June’s dinner will be at Scotty P’s.  Book Club meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
      • Vicki Blakely is our landscaping guru. She has the toughest job and has been in this role for a year. She is a Master Gardener/naturalist.
      • Next we want to recognize Tom Martin and his effort as our crime watch person for the last three years. Tom goes to city crime watch meetings and works with police officers on helping prevent crime in our area.
      • Next is Yard of the Month chairperson, Lauren Eastburn, who helps picks a yard that is recognized for the month and provides a gift card from Callaway’s Nursery.  We love our yards and there is lots of competition for best yard in our neighborhood.
      • Lastly we would like to recognize Serene Koshy who served as the welcome wagon chair. She is retiring from her role and Lynn Humble will be taking her place.
      • Volunteers make PCN a better place to live.

 New Business:

  • Coming up on May 17th is ‘Picnic in the Park’ with a live band, food trucks, and bounce house sponsored by Pitman Creek North HOA and Highland Oaks Church of Christ.
  • This year we had 231 homes join our homeowners’ association which is an all-time record at 48% of the homes. We need to vote on whether we want to recognize members yearly with a small sign for front of members’ homes.  It would cost $6.20 per sign which would come out of the HOA dues.  Proposal was voted on – overwhelmingly passed.
  • 29 Block leaders are encouraged to continue to connect with their neighbors even though many changes have been made with the communication email blast.
  • Election of new officers for the 2014-2015 year:
    • Dave Nichols-President
    • Bill Humble-Vice President
    • Dan Boron-Treasurer
    • Kathy Paxton-Secretary
    • Susan Nichols-Membership
    • Kathleen Martin-Communications
    • Vicki Blakely-Landscaping/Master Gardener
    • Tom Martin-Crime Watch
    • Lynn Humble-Welcome Wagon
    • Lauren Eastburn-Yard of the Month
  • Neighbors have concerns about bus traffic on Columbia and potential car wrecks for those leaving the neighborhood from school traffic.

Guest Speaker:  Jill Ybarra from City of Plano Recycling Specialist

Notes from Presentation:  Recycling is easy, impactful and takes action. Why Recycle? We recycle for future generations, the earth, energy, and offsetting landfill cost. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.  Our residential trash bins go to landfill. There are many ways to help recycle.  Bulk waste (big items) will be picked up by city once a month. Food waste can be composted. Many items can be reused by donating to charity groups or sold on Craigslist.  The City of Plano has set weekends to collect household hazard waste like paint, etc… Yard waste is picked up weekly at the curb.

What do you put in your ‘Green’ recycle bin vs. the trash bin? If in doubt, throw it out and don’t recycle.  Glass containers only can be added to green bin – please don’t add glass that is not a container, such as broken windows, glass from picture frames, etc. All paper is accepted except those with food/grease contaminated.  Cardboard egg cartons can be recycled. Cardboard is accepted also. If boxes are too big to fit in the bin, then you can collapse the box and put near bin.  Plastic #1-7 is also accepted. Water bottles and lids are accepted. Please – NO toys or plastic bags.  Shrink wrap over water bottles or other goods is also not accepted in the recycle bin.  Audits of ‘green’ recycle bins have about 14% of items that should just be thrown out.  Clothes hangers, garden hoses, metal liners, electronics, foil, shoes, clothing, toys, Styrofoam, and yard waste are not to go into the recycle bins.  Recycling bins are free to city residents.  During the weekend of May 17th, the city will have a one stop drop off for bicycles, books, eye glasses, and shoes. Check Plano website for locations.

Where does recycling go?  The yard waste goes to make compost for the city and residences.  It is a product that you can purchase for your yard as mulch or compost. It is sold under the Texas Pure Products brand at the Custer Road facility.  You can have it delivered at your home for a small fee or pick it up.

Take action now. Start Recycling! Visit Plano’s recycling web site at:

Questions from PCN homeowners:

  • How clean does your aluminum cans need to be clean – such as beans? Give it your best effort to rinse out but don’t stress out about it.
  • Can plastic pots from gardening be recycled?  She suggests taking them back to local garden nurseries for reuse.
  • What can you do to recycle Styrofoam peanuts for packing? It is suggested to take them to a local shipping company or you can even try to sell on Craigslist.
  • How do you recycle shredded paper? Please put shredded paper in a clear bag and put in recycle bin.
  • What about wax cardboard? Wax board – used in paper milk and food containers should not be recycled.
  • It is hard to clean out peanut butter jars, should they be recycled? It takes too much water to clean so it is suggested to just toss them in the trash bin.

Dave Nichols thanked attendees for coming to the meeting and participating in our Pitman Creek Homeowners Association. Meeting was adjourned.