The 2016 Annual PCNHA General Meeting, rescheduled from April 26, 2016 due to inclement weather, was held at West Plano Presbyterian Church, 2709 Custer Road at 7:00 p.m. 36 people were in attendance.
Dave Nichols, PCNHA President, started the meeting at 7:07. He reminded the attendees that … “Pitman Creek North HOA was founded in 1983, that sure doesn’t seem like a long time ago but it was 33 years. Who is here that is an original homeowner? The first houses went up in 1980 and the HOA followed several years later. Our subdivision was finished out in 1986. Our forefathers drew up a plan whereby our HOA would be voluntary and not have regulatory features like “right of lien” and other bossy tactics. The goal was to use the voluntary dues to help beautify the public areas, which are the four entrances and the the two traffic circles, and to get the residents to know each other by means of Neighborhood Crime Watch and Welcome Wagon for new residents. Our printed newsletters have given way to a large email information network. We’ve added some fun things like Yard of the Month, Monthly Dinner Out, Picnic in the Park with a live band and food, Fall Fest with a DJ and food, followed by holiday decorations around the subdivision.”
“I would like the current board members and chairpersons to stand. The team you see today work hard as volunteers to keep our target goals a reality. We want to keep Pitman Creek North a nice place to live. Vice-President Bill Humble, Treasurer Jim McGuire, Secretary Claudia McGuire, Communications Kathleen Martin, Activities Denise Gooding, Membership Susan Nichols, Crime Watch Tom Martin, Landscaping Vicki Blakley, Yard of the Month Jane Tecklenburg, and Welcome Wagon Lynn Humble. You are going to hear from each of them later in the program.”
“It is fitting to recognize Danny Espino, president of Critical Electric Systems who replaced the four flood lights at the main entrance at no charge for materials and labor. The underground electric wires are very old and corroded. Danny’s crew got them working as low voltage LEDs. We are grateful.”
“This is the beginning of our fiscal year 2016-17. Your $50 dues stay right here benefitting the neighborhood. You will earn an attractive yard sign. Whatever is left in the general fund after necessities is used for projects like drip irrigation systems in 2013-14 and the tree lights on Victoria last year. We would like to have nice signage at the other entrances eventually.”
“Our guest speaker is Amanda Allen, an inspector with City of Plano Property Standards, who is assigned to our area.”
7:15-8:15: Dave then introduced our speaker, Amanda Allen with Plano Property Standards. Amanda handed out a contact sheet with important city departments and phone numbers. She covered the responsibilities of Plano Property Standards and how they help our neighborhoods. She talked about property standards in Plano including tall grass, sidewalks, driveways, open storage laws, off street parking, fence repair, tree limbs and branches, oversized vehicles, illegal garage sales, roofs, yard trimmings and other conditions. Several good questions were asked regarding these standards and she was very helpful in answering or letting the participant know who could help.
8:15: Dave asked for the board officers’ reports:
- Jim McGuire reported on our current financial situation.
- Denise Gooding reported on past neighborhood activities including dinners out, Picnic in the Park, Fall Fest, Book Club, and encouraged everyone to attend to meet their neighbors.
- Vicki Blakley reported on our gardens and thanked her volunteers. Karen Smith, a garden volunteer, was in attendance and was recognized for her work on behalf of the neighborhood. The gardens are in good shape and things that have been planted over the past couple of years have returned and look great.
- Susan Nichols reported on membership: 260 members last year = 54%. We had one of the highest percentages of voluntary HOAs in Collin County. Our fiscal year membership drive just began: To date this year, we have 124 members = 25% of the neighborhood.
- Lynn Humble reported on the Welcome Wagon activities. She asked that people let her know if they have a new neighbor so she can welcome them to Pitman Creek North.
- Tom Martin reported on recent crime in the neighborhood. He encouraged everyone to continue to post suspicions or problems on PCN Facebook in order to stay informed and connected. He reminded us that by knowing our neighbors, we can watch out for one another. He told us to call the police with any problems or concerns. They want to know. Several people had questions about the recent thefts of roofing supplies and cameras in the neighborhood. Tom said the police are well aware of the situations, have contacted some about their videos and think the problem is subsiding in our neighborhood. A question was raised about getting more streetlights. Dave said that will not be happening as we meet the city’s standard. We were instructed to call Oncor to report lights out.
A question was raised about the Gehan Homes progress. Thirty (30) homes are going to be constructed with a beginning price of $375,000. A question was raised about the land by Harley Davidson. The city council struck down a request for patio homes there so it will remain a field until the right situation presents itself to the city. - Kathleen Martin reported on communications. She said we have 300 people on our Facebook page. Next Door has close to 100 members from the neighborhood. We have moved away from using regular mail to communicate and are using email, Facebook and the website to convey information.