Annual General Meeting Modification – June 2020

Annual General Meeting Modification – June 2020

Hi, Pitman Creek North Neighbors:

As we announced on April 29th, due to the current COVID pandemic (including problems with large gatherings), we determined that we could not hold our PCNHA Annual General Meeting scheduled for May 5th at Plano ISD Academy as usual. Instead, we had hoped to have a “virtual meeting,” potentially on Facebook Live, for all residents.

After working on this endeavor for several weeks, the PCNHA board met (virtually) and determined that it would probably be best to publish a pre-recorded video to the neighborhood, providing the information we usually provide at the Annual Meeting, as well as answering submitted questions/suggestions by the neighborhood residents. By sending a link of the video to every Pitman Creek North email recipient, as well as posting on our PCN social media pages and website, this would allow us to (1) include everyone in the neighborhood in the meeting (even if they don’t use social media) and (2) allow us to have a video record of the meeting to be posted later to our website.

All residents of Pitman Creek North may submit questions and suggestions prior to the video publication – by Friday, June 12 – which will then be addressed in the video, as well as normal, general business (budget, membership, landscaping, crime, etc.). In addition, after the video is posted, everyone will have a time period of one week – until Friday, June 19 – for further questions or comments regarding the video information. At that point, the Board will respond and provide answers to the neighborhood through the normal email, social media and website posting communication channels. We request ALL communications be sent directly by email to [email protected] (rather than through social media comments) so that all our residents can be included in receiving the information/suggestions.

June 1 – June 7:  Submission of suggestions or questions by email to “[email protected]
June 8 – June 11: PCNHA Board will work at providing answers for issues to be included in the PCNHA Annual General Meeting video
June 12: Posting of Annual General Meeting video (sent to all email recipients, posted on social media pages, and website)
June 12 – June 19: Submission of further suggestions or questions as a result of the video
Early July: Posting of additional information (sent to all email recipients, posted on social media pages, and website) if needed.

We realize this is a different way to handle an Annual General Meeting – not ideal – but we hope to make sure the neighborhood feels like everyone is included in both receiving information as well as having a voice in what happens for the next year.

We look forward to everyone’s input.

Clifford Cockrell, President
Pitman Creek North Homeowners Association