2024 Holiday Yard-of-the-Month Contest Winner

2024 Holiday Yard-of-the-Month Contest Winner

We have a winner of our Holiday “Yard-of-the-Month” Contest – 1509 Huron (be sure and watch the Santa in the window). Judges toured the PCN neighborhood the evening of Monday, December 16th, and, after hard deliberations, came up with a final winner! The YOM winner received a $25 gift card and is displaying a congratulatory winner sign in their yard during the holiday season.

PCNHA Holiday Yard-of-the-Month Winner
1509 Huron

Thanks so much to everyone for participating in the contest and making our neighborhood so festive during this holiday season. The judges attempted to take pictures of those houses that spent extra time on their decorations which we have posted on our website (we apologize if your house was missed).

Happy Holidays to all –
Pitman Creek North Homeowners Association